
Bookbinding courses at the Albion Beatnik

Apart from hundreds of notebooks and diaries I still keep making, I also started running short bookbinding courses. Within three hours you can learn the basics of a particular bookbinding style and at the and make your own notebook.
At the moment there are few dates for the course of Coptic binding but soon I'd like to start doing several different bookbinding styles.
If you live in Oxford or somewhere close and would like to come for a course, you can book a place on my website.


Blog revision (yes, again)

Yet again it took me incredibly long time to revise all the posts on this ancient blog of mine. You who already know me that this will probably happen million times again in the future, well this is just me...
I actually like some of those old posts and also I don't want to leave this original blog address, so I have hidden few things, changes other things, changed the design so it goes better with my website and I will try to keep writing somehow... Hopefully I'll come with something new and first of all I'd like to write more about what I do in my days which I spent in my improvised home bookbindery :-)